My history project will be about Rwanda, Burundi they are both
small country's in Africa and how there was a big conflict that took place in the 1994 between Hutus and Tutsis.Hutus was a part of the lower class and Tutsis was apart of the uppe
r class. So Hutus and Tutsis were divide by there class and there occupation.What the big deal was between Hutus and Tutsis was that they Slaughter 80,000 to 200,000 people.Why they slaughter so many people is because Hutus Attcked Tutsis. They each had thier own army that went and did the work by one day there would be 100 people die.

This all took place in Rwanda and burundi in Africa in 1994.Why they were so important was because they lost alot people in that war each day. And all the Rwanda, Burundi people could not do anything about it.The People tryed asking the USA for help but they did nothing about it because we had nothing to do with it.The only thing we did is get are people out of those two country in Africa.Interesting facts on Rwanda is that they have 3 different languages, 4 different reigions and 3 ethin groups and the new population is 10 million people.I think why I pick this topic was because I really liked learning about and it showed me that anything can happen to us because it only take one person to do something.And it was sad knowing that all of this happened and that the USA didn't do anything about but I understand some times we cant do it.These are some reason why I picked this topic.

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